Affiliate Marketing - Everything You Kneed To Know About Guest Posting And Why You Should Do It

If you've got an awesome website, but you're a one-man army and you're wondering how to get guest posts for your blog so you can increase the amount of content you can give to your loyal readers, then you should try to:

  • Write awesome content on your blog and people will want to feature on your site.
  • Submit guest post for other people's blogs and they'll be likely to return the favor.
  • Advertise on your site that you're accepting guest posts.

Although guest posting can be seen to be against Google terms because you are giving an ‘unnatural' link back to the original posters in some cases, I’ve never had an issue myself when I’ve created and received guest posts in the past.

But that’s because I haven't gone against their terms; I haven't paid others to write for my blog.

I've used one of the tips mentioned above to get people wanting to write for my blog, naturally.

Without needing to pay them a dime.

This is pretty awesome when you consider the fact that I essentially get to expand my blog and improve its SEO for absolutely free.

I’m going to go in-depth about these above points so that you can further understand how to get guest posts for your blog.

What is Guest Blogging?

what is guest posting?

What is guest blog posting?: Guest blogging is the act of blogging on someone else’s website for the purpose of getting your name out there as a writer, to help add quality content to a blog you love or most commonly for SEO; get yourself a valuable backlink.

Now if you own a website, say an affiliate marketing blog, you can still use guest blogging to your advantage.

As a webmaster, you could advertise that you're accepting guest posts or actively go find people that want to write guest blogs who can help buff out your websites content. Allowing you to expand your brand without you needing to put all the work in.

How does Guest Blogging work?

Now you know what is guest blogging in SEO, let's figure out how it all works...

Guest blogging works like this; you write content for someone else’s blog or a guest blogger writes content for yours.

And that’s basically it.

In most cases, the person who is receiving the content comes up with the contribute article topic, but if the article contributor is deeply routed into the niche, then they could easily come up with a topic on their own.

As stated in the intro, in guest post blogging if you’re the writer, you get to put awesome content out there for fresh eyes to see and maybe even get yourself a backlink in the process.

If you’re the receiver of a guest post, then you get to add another great piece of work to your site without the hassle of writing it and in some cases people might even pay you to put their content on your website! - More on this later.

The Benefits of Guest Blogging

The benefits of guest blogging

There are two sides to guest posts; the writer and the receiver, so the benefits will differ depending on which party you are.

Because of this, I want to cover the benefits of guest posting from both perspectives, so no matter who you are you can figure out if guest posting is going to be something you should look into doing in the future (after you read all the helpful information in this post of course!).

The Webmaster perspective

First, I want to talk about guest postings from the perspective of a website owner; take note of them regardless of how big or successful your website currently is.

You get to expand your website with little effort

As a site owner, guest blogging is a great way for us to expand our websites much faster.

If you’re a standalone affiliate marketer like me, or you’re just getting started, producing content is the best way to start getting traffic to your website, but of course producing this content takes time.

But getting SEO guest blogging for your website will allow you to not only save this time, but spend it doing something else which will be beneficial for your website (or for your life). Just advertise that you're looking for guest post blogs or go find guest blog writers to start getting free content for your website!


A blog guest who is willing to write for your website is usually as enthusiastic as you are about the niche you find yourself in, which means that you get to connect with people in your industry.

This may not have any upfront value, but you never know when you might need someones insight or who they might know that could be useful to your life in the future.

Make easy money

When accepting blog posts on your own website, sometimes, if your website is worth it, you can charge people to write content for you - which sounds a little crazy since they are the ones doing all the work.

But the reason for this is that not only do they get to guest post on a blog, which will help them get their name out there, they might even get a backlink from you - if you choose to do this.

As you can see, there are many benefits to bringing on a guest post writer, but now let's get the benefits from the perceptive of writing guest posts.

How much to charge for guest posts on my blog?

I’ve touched o this a little already but - there is no $ i can suggest for what you should be charging for guest blogs or what you should be expecting to pay as a guest blogger.

This is because there are to many variables at play:

  • It depends on the industry
  • The website you’re looking to write for
  • What you’re offering them in return (backlinks/work)

My best advice would be to contact other blogs in your niche, and pose as a writer looking to do some guest posting, then you can ask about the pricing very easily and you can eventually get a medium of what you should be charging your own writers.

The Writer perspective

As a writer, there are many benefits that come with guest post writing, and I’d like to talk all about them right now...

Make connections

When you're looking to write a guest post, because you’re reaching out to so many people in your niche to see if they're interested in featuring a guest blog post, you're going to be interacting with many new faces.

Whom, in the future, might come very valuable to you as your own website/portfolio begins to grow.

Put your work in-front of new people

Guest posting on blogs allows you to put your work in front of a totally new audience, which means (assuming you've got a link in this guestblog) you can bring eyes to your own website and thus help to build your brand and hopefully retain some of these new faces as long time readers.

Even if you don’t run a website of your own, you can at the very least get your name out there as a writer, linking people back to your Twitter profile; setting yourself up to get more work in the future.

Potentially get a backlink (depending on the agreement)

Having guests posts on blogs not only means you can get your content out there, but you can also get yourself a valuable backlink which could help boost your own website in the rankings and thus bringing even more eyes to your work thanks to the SEO juices now running through your site.

Should I allow guest posts on my blog?

Should you allow guest posts


In my honest opinion, as long as you vet the writers properly there is simply no drawback when it comes to featuring a guest contribution on your blog, since:

  • You get free content
  • You get content that could potentially rank on Google's SERP
  • You build connections with other members of the community

There really are no negatives EXCEPT that you might get low quality work - but that all comes down to vetting your writers and their guest postings; make sure they are giving you well informed articles that are not copy and pasted from elsewhere on the web.

So yes, you SHOULD allow guest blog writers on your website.

How to find guest bloggers

So, you want to add blogger guest post to your blog but you're not sure how you can find writers willing to do this?

Well, I’ve got a couple of tips on how you can find writers who want to do guest posts on blogs that I’ve utilized in the past for this website - after which I’ll go into some websites you can use to find people that might be looking for a blog like yours to write for.

Just write awesome content in your niche

The best way to find guest bloggers for free and have them want to submit a guest post is by just posting awesome content yourself.

This is something you should be doing anyway, as great content will easily get you ranked for your chosen keywords in Google SERPs, which is obviously in your best interests as a web master.

The idea behind this is that when you produce quality content, you show other creators and readers in your niche that your website is the place to be.

A one-stop-shop for the best content in your niche.

Meaning that people who really want to get involved in the niche and become a part of it will want to come contribute an article to your website.

This is by far the best way to find guest blog writers for free within your niche.

Go write guest content for other people

Another great way on how to get guest posts for your blog is by writing guest post for other blogs.

Not everyone is going to be inclined to write content for you just because you wrote a great piece for them, but the chance of someone wanting to write for your blog will increase by 10 fold.

The best way to do this is just to reach out to the people in your niche who advertise 'Guest Bloggers Wanted', don’t wait around for them to come to you.

So, go out there, write some eye-catching emails, slide into DMs and fill out as many writing forms as you can on your favorite creator's websites.

And remember; When you get the opportunity to write a blog guest post, write as if you were writing for your own websites; write GREAT CONTENT.

This way, not only will you make sure that you’re showing a new audience just how good your content is, the person you’re writing for is going to want you to come back and do another blogging guest post.

This will open new doors for you in your niche and will mean you can get many more backlinks to your website.

Which as we know is one of the key elements to succeed in the online SEO world.

Make sure people know you’re looking for guest bloggers

Finally my last tip on how to attract guest bloggers;

You have to make things as clear as possible when you want someone to do somthing for you.

This is pretty much marketing 101.

And well, life 101.

Assume the people you are talking to are so dumb that you need to make everything as simple and as clear as possible.

In guest posting blog terms, you should make it as clear as possible that you WANT looking for SEO guest blogging on your website; so they can get in touch.

This can be done in a couple of ways;

  • Have a 'Write for us Guest Post' banner on your home page.
  • Have a whole page dedicated to 'Write for us blog' which contains a contact form.
  • Rank on Google for Guest posting in SEO SERPs (obviously the most ideal choice but the hardest to achieve).

You’ve got people coming to your website every day, so, make it easy as possible for people to get in touch with you.

How to Start guest blogging

how to start guest blogging

With all the new information absorbed, you might be interested in doing a spot of guest blogging yourself - but you're scratching your head wondering how you can get started and how to find blogs that accept guest posts, especially figuring out how to find guest blogging opportunities in your favorite niche...

Not to worry, I'm going to walk you through how to be a guest blogger right now!

Find people that are looking for guest bloggers

Hunt down their emails

Firstly on how to guest blog, you need to find people that want your writing skills!

The best way to become a guest blogger is to simply find any write for us blogs that are looking for applicants and to email them; this can be done on any search engine like Google by simply searching words like 'guest bloggers needed' or 'blog posting services'.

You can be as picky as you want with this - I would advise only find guest blogs in your niche, so that your networking efforts are going to be valuable to you and you actually enjoy the writing part.

Now, write for us blogging is a numbers games.

Not every one is going to reply and not all guest post business' is going to be right for you either (they might except to much of you or charge you way to much).

So find as many emails as you can and jot them down - we'll discuss how you should be contacting these people so you can be sure you're going to be able to guest post on their blog.

Find Guest Posting Sites

If cold emailing isn't you’re thing cause you don’t want to look like a Wish version of Jordan Belford, then there are plenty of websites out there you can use to find people to fill their write for us blog request.

There are even specific ones for health, fitness, gaming etc so you can easily find a website looking for your exact writing knowledge.

Here are a few of these blog write for us websites to get you started:

11 Free Guest Posting Sites List 2021

Here is a list of blogs that accept guest posts:

  1. Entrepreneur - guest posting sites UK favorite
  2. Moz - At the top of my SEO guest posting sites list ever year
  3. ThePennyHoarder - a great business accepting guests posts
  4. Digital Inspiration
  5. Elephant Journal - one of the top guest blogging websites out there
  6. Marketing Profs - one of the best guest posting sites 2020
  7. The Write Life - an all time favorite of mine as one of the best blogs accepting guests posts
  8. Start Up Bros - up and coming guest posting sites 2021 winner
  9. John Chow - they feature a great blogging write for us scheme
  10. Retirement Investments - one of the best UK guest posting sites
  11. Huff Post - another high end, high quality write for us for free blogs

9 Paid Guest Posting Sites List 2021

Here is a list of paid guest blogging sites you might be interested in:

  1. Leadership Editors
  3. Softrop
  4. TechDuffer
  5. GoogleDoodle
  6. TheGuestBlogging
  7. GuestBlogging.PRO
  8. Digisuman
  9. Social Bookmarking

9 Mom blogs accepting guest posts

If you're looking on how to find guest blog sites for the parent niche, here is a quick list of all the mom blogs accepting guest posts:

  1. Stay at Home Mum - One of the best write for us parenting guest post sites
  2. Working Mother
  3. Modern Moms
  4. Baby Chick
  5. Family Focus
  6. Survival Mom
  7. Bumps n Baby
  8. Science of Mom
  9. Jewish Mom

12 Home Decor Guest Posting Sites

If you're looking on how to find blogs to guest post on in the home decor niche, then look no further:

  1. Luxury Today
  2. HomeScopes
  3. House Affection
  5. A-lifestyle
  6. Team Margagliano
  7. Sebring Design
  8. Decor Homes Now
  9. Home Tips
  10. Home Improvements
  11. Homes Aura
  12. The Wow Style

7 Food blogs Accepting Guest Posts

Here are a few food blogs that accept guest posting services:

  1. The Kitchn
  2. Eat Drink Better
  3. The Disney Food Blog
  4. FoodTank
  5. So Good Blog
  6. OneGreenPlanet
  7. FoodieWish

List of fashion blogs accepting guest posts

If you're trying to find blogs for guest posts, here are some great ones if you're interested in the fashion niche:

  1. College Fashion
  2. Fibre2Fashion
  3. Fjackets
  4. Mens Style Fashion
  5. Inside Out Style
  6. Classy Career Girl
  7. Beauty Fashion Club
  8. Girlcious
  9. Perfect Health Fit
  10. Beauty Glitch
  11. Citizens of Beauty
  12. Beautips

There are more guest posting opportunities below.

8 Tech blogs accepting guest posts

If you're looking how to find guest blog opportunities are you're interested in the tech niche, then sumbit a guest post for free too these websites below:

  1. Small Business Reviews
  2. CMS Wire
  3. HubSpot
  4. The Next Web
  5. Aithority
  6. NeilPatel
  7. TechSeries
  8. Envato Tuts

List of Health Blogs Accepting Guest Posts

Looking for guest blogging opportunities? Submit a guest post for health niche right now!

  1. Health Works Collective - my favorite health guest post site!
  2. QuintDaily
  3. BeHealthyAndMore
  4. Health and Beauty Stuff
  5. Share Care Inspire
  6. Home Remedies Log
  7. Finding My Fitness
  8. She Knows
  9. Top Trainer
  10. KevinMD

If none of these quite satisfy you, then search for phases such as 'health write for us guest post' and 'write for us health' on Google to find a health blog that suits you more!

Reach out to them

Once you've found emails or applications, its time to submit a message to the guest post service!

Now in most cases, you don't really need to do much persuading because they are already looking for writers; but you have to remember that they are going through email after email as their recruiting guest bloggers very often, so make sure to stand out and make the right impression.

This isn't too difficult, you just need good grammar and spelling in your email, as this will reflect your work - to make their lives easier you could submit your post in this email too!

How to write a guest blog?

There is no special sauce when it comes to how to guest post on a blog; typically I would write it as if I was writing for my own website - which means they would be of amazing quality and provide an immense amount of information to the reader.

Now with that being said, sometimes website owners want you to know how to do guest blogging in a certain way write a certain.

If this is the case, then just listen to them.

At the end of the day, the work is going on their website, which will have its own layout and structure the readers are used to. So its vital that your work follows this same pattern so that you do not alienate the viewers, unless you get told otherwise.

Essentially: So if you get no instructions on how to write a guest blog post, write high quality content as you always would. If you get instructions then stick by them and do what they want you to do so your post can get accepted without the fuss and you get that juicy backlink (or whatever it is you’ve agreed too).

Recap: How to Get Guest posts for your blog

Recap of guest blogging

Let's recap on what we've dicussed.

Guest blogging meaning: The act of posting on someone else website to help expand its content, get your name out their as a writer, or to get yourself a backlink.

Guest posting is both good for the writer and the website owner, since there are many benefits such as networking, expanding one's knowledge on a niche and even earning some money from the transaction.

From what you now know, how to become a guest blogger should be fairly easy, its all about reaching out to people in the niche you like and letting them know you want to produce some awesome content for their blog.

And if you're wondering how to get guest bloggers, just make sure its as easy as possible for people to know you're looking for guest bloggers so they can email you or submit their application through form on your website.

Ultimately, guest posting is good for both parties, so get involved!

The article Everything You Kneed To Know About Guest Posting And Why You Should Do It is courtesy of Affiliating From Home

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