Affiliate Marketing - 5 Best Niche For Amazon Affiliate Marketing

If you're looking to make some extra cash, then starting an Amazon affiliate site is one of the best and most popular choices right now in the online money-making space.

Choosing the right niche is crucial since it will determine how much money you COULD earn, how successful you CAN be, and how much competition you'll have to swat away to acquire both of these things.

If you just want the meat and potatoes, here are the 5 best niche for Amazon Affiliate Marketing:

  1. Personal Finance.
  2. Health and Fitness.
  3. Lifestyle.
  4. Online Business and Marketing.
  5. Fashion.

If you stick around, this article will guide you on what you should be considering when looking for the perfect Amazon Affiliate Niche.

As well as some of the top trending niches you can get your copywriting chops into right now to start earning yourself life-changing money from your mom's basement.

What is The Amazon Associates Program?

best niche for Amazon Affiliate Marketing

The Amazon Associates Program is a program run by Amazon that allows website owners and bloggers to earn commissions by linking to Amazon affiliate products on their website. Amazon offers different commission rates for other products but usually pays around 4-10% on most products.

To join the Amazon Associates Program, you first need to create an account with Amazon. Once registered, you can create links to Amazon products and place them on your website. Then, when someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase on Amazon, you'll earn a commission from the sales.

Amazon Associates Program is one of, if not the most popular Affiliate Marketing programs out there and should definitely be utilized even if you're an experienced affiliate marketer or not.

Although other programs offer better commission rates, Amazon's brand awareness and the trust they've built up over the digital age make selling their products easy.

Why is choosing Micro Affiliate Marketing Niches important?

You're here because you want to find out the best niches when using the Amazon Affiliate Program so you can make money online, but why is it essential to find suitable marketing niches?

Finding the best marketing niches is crucial when starting a new affiliate site. If you choose the wrong sub niche, you could end up with little to no earnings and high competition that's almost impossible to beat. However, if you choose good particular niches, you could see life-changing profits and hardly any competition at all with your niche sites.

So what makes profitable affiliate marketing niches, profitable?

There are a few things that you should consider when looking for a good niche:

  • The potential earnings of the niche.
  • How competitive the niche is.
  • The size of the niche.
  • Your interests and passions.
  • What you're good at talking about.

Potential Earnings

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a niche is the potential earnings of the niche. You want to find a niche that offers reasonable commission rates, and you want to make sure that the products you're promoting are in high demand.


You also want to ensure that the affiliate marketing niches you choose are low competition. If there are too many people competing for the same traffic, you'll have a hard time making any money at all. However, if the niche is too small, there might not be enough potential customers to make a worthwhile income.

Size of the Niche

The size of the niche is also important to consider. If the affiliate marketing niches are too big, it'll be hard to become an authority on the topic. However, if the niche is too small, there might not be enough products to promote or customers to reach.

How I do it: 5 Tips on how to find the right Amazon Affiliate Marketing Niche

When it comes to finding profitable affiliate marketing niches, there are a few things you need to take into account.

The most important of these is the size of the niche. You want to make sure there are enough people interested in the topic to make it worth your time, but not so many people that the competition is stiff and you can't make a dent.

Another thing you need to look at is the profitability of the niche. You want to make sure there's money to be made in the niche; otherwise, what's the point?

There are a few more things I like to think about, so let's get right into them here...

Choose a topic you're already passionate about

When choosing a niche for your Amazon affiliate site, it's essential to go with something you're passionate about. This will make the whole process much easier and more enjoyable since you'll be writing about things you care about rather than topics you have to research for hours on end. It'll also make it easier to develop content ideas that interest your readers.

Start by considering your interests and what you want to commit to writing about daily.

If you love cooking, then an affiliate site for kitchen supplies may be something that would interest you.

On the other hand, if surfing is more of your thing, it would be better to create an affiliate website around this, as making a successful website will be much easier.

Pick a niche that already has high interest

It's way more efficient to cultivate a farm (niche) that has already been grown than it is to plant seeds (make a new niche) and wait for them to flourish.

When choosing a niche for your Amazon affiliate websites, it's essential to consider what's already popular.

This will give you an idea of the kinds of products people are already looking to buy, and it'll be easier to pull in traffic from the search engines. So there will actually be some demand for your content and the products you're looking to promote.

I would consider affiliate niches popular with at least 100,000 monthly searches. This will ensure no shortage of potential customers looking for the products you'll be promoting.

Don't choose something too broad...Niche down (focus on micro niches)!

When choosing profitable affiliate marketing niches, affiliate marketers shouldn't choose too broad. This is because a competitive niche that is too general won't have as much buyer intent as people looking for specific items or solutions.

For example, if you choose sub niches like "women's clothing," you'll be competing against an authority site like Victoria's Secret and all of the other dinky little affiliate sites that are doing the exact same.

Instead, you're going to want to "niche down" aka, become an online business that focuses on a micro-niche.

Let's go back to the women's clothing-specific niche again: you could instead choose the niche of "plus-size women's clothing."

You'll have a lot less competition because it's more specific, AND you'll have a much more specific target audience to sell to; you can produce content that the people who wear plus-sized clothing can resonate with. In addition, making selling items and cashing in on any affiliate link will become easier.

This is just one example; there are millions.

Just make sure to do your research, and you'll quickly find plenty of profitable niches you can use!

Make sure your niche is evergreen!

When you're starting Amazon affiliate sites, it's crucial to choose a niche that will be profitable for years to come. This is what we call an "evergreen niches" in the biz.

This is opposed to a niche only hyped about at specific points in the year, aka "seasonal niche." Think Christmas or Easter; these are major seasonal niches, they do pretty bad in terms of profit for the rest of the year.

There are a few factors you'll want to consider when choosing evergreen niches:

  • The products in the niche are always in demand.
  • There is little to no competition in the niche (necessary for any niche you choose)
  • The niche topic is interesting, and people will always want to learn more.
  • The products in the niche are not seasonal (like Christmas trees or Easter eggs)

One great way to determine whether or not a niche is evergreen is by looking at how often people search for information about the topic. You can do this by using the Google Keyword Research Planner, a free tool from Google.

Simply type in a few keywords related to your niche, and it will show you how many people are searching for that information each month. This will give you a good idea of whether or not it's an evergreen niche or not + if it has the potential to be your niche of choice.

If many people are searching for information about the topic each month, it's likely an evergreen niche, and you should consider starting an Amazon affiliate website in that niche.

Keyword Research Tools are affiliate marketers' best friend

If you're wondering how to pick the right Amazon affiliate niche for your affiliate sites, then look no further than using Google Keyword Planner and/or AdWords' keyword research tool (or, quite frankly, any free keyword tool on the market).

This will give you a rough estimate on just how many people are looking for these keywords and give you average monthly costs to advertise your website per click.

So you can identify if the niche will be too competitive for a one-man army or not.

Here are a couple of my favorite keyword Research Tools:

5 Best Niche For Amazon Affiliate Marketing you can use right now

Now that I've gone over how to find your very own profitable niche, based on what you might love already, I want to cover the 5 best niche for Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

I'm going to be sharing with you five of the best niches that I've found to be successful, as well as giving you some tips on what sort of content you can produce for these types of niches (how you can niche down and make it your own) as well as products you should be pushing to earn sweet, sweet commissions.

So whether you're just starting out or you're looking for something new to switch to, keep reading for some great ideas.

Personal Finance

From the kids who are still in school to grow adults in their 60s, we all need making money advice - making Personal Finance one of the most prominent niches you can take advantage of on your Affiliate Marketing Adventure.

Your digital marketing angles could be:

  • Money-saving tips.
  • Paying your way with coupons
  • Avoiding buyers regret
  • Investment tips
  • Paying off debt
  • Motivation for making money online/saving money
  • Cost-cutting tips

Products you could promote:

  • Books on finance
  • Journals

Health and Fitness

Whether it's new year's resolutions or just general wellness, more and more people are trying to take care of themselves. Especially during the early 2020s when we had a particular virus going around.

Some content marketing angles to think about:

  • Particular diets
  • Running, Weight-lifting, Cross fit, bodyweight training
  • Sharing your own progress
  • Specific techniques like acupuncture

Products to promote:

  • Books on Health
  • Gym equipment
  • Fitness clothes


The lifestyle niche is pretty broad, but once you think of more specific niche ideas in this category, you can cultivate your own audience and become the one-stop shop for these particular people.

Here are a couple of angles you can focus your marketing efforts:

  • Nerds in their 20s who are looking to get fit
  • Single mothers who are looking to earn money online
  • College kids who are looking to travel on a budget

The products you promote depend on who you're writing for, so I'm not going to make a list for this one - but just think about what these people will need.

Business and Marketing

Every Joe Shmoe wants to own a business or be a solo digital nomad. Still, these very people need to understand marketing and business first - that's where your affiliate marketing site comes in.

Niche Marketing angles to create multiple blog posts around:

  • Business advise for college dropouts
  • Marketing tips for business owners
  • SEO recommend for non-tech savvy individuals

Products to promote once you bring in organic traffic:

  • Business books
  • Computers/Laptops
  • Other tech items to help streamline their journey


No doubt you're wearing clothes right now while you read this! Which means you're a part of the fashion niche just like everyone else - and like lifestyle blogs, there are so many angles you can take here.

Fashion angles you can try:

  • Single Dads looking to revitalize their wardrobe
  • Young males who need advice on how to dress to impress
  • Girls who want to add color to their wardrobe

Products to promote when you bring in organic search traffic:

  • Books on fashion advice
  • Clothes (Duh)

Of course, there are plenty more best niche ideas, endless amounts of them, in fact. You just have to do your research (as I've taught you in this article) to find the most profitable niches suitable for you!

Picking the right products

It's not enough to just pick out top niches and then promote whatever you want. You need to find products that will be of value to your customers in the sub niche - otherwise, you're wasting their time.

And your Amazon affiliates efforts are wasted.

Picking the right products is often a trial-and-error system, but there are a few things you can do to make it a bit easier on yourself, so you can roll dice in your favor much more:

  • Do your market research - This means researching your audience (to find out the problems they may be having) and analyzing a potential product you might begin promoting - you don't need to buy the product. Still, you should get your teeth into as many reviews as you can so you know the ins and outs.
  • Look for products that solve a problem - As I just mentioned, you need to look for products that solve a problem. This will be as clear as day once you do your research.
  • Check out the competition - the easiest thing you can do for yourself is to see what your competitors are already promoting and either take the exact product and just promote it better or promote a product that solves a similar problem. Both are good ideas.

Affiliate marketing sites like Amazon Associates have put together a wealth of resources to help you find and promote the right products for your niche, so be sure to take advantage of them!

Let's round things up

Here are the five types of niches that will make the Affiliate Marketing business a success:

  • Personal Finance
  • Health & Fitness
  • Lifestyle
  • Business & Marketing
  • Fashion

All of these have many opportunities for niching down, the unique content you can create, and the different products you can promote.

Take time before deciding on what one niche you want to blog about because you're going to be working on it for a VERY long time.

You need to find keywords you can rank for, ensure you can adequately monetize the niche and that you can get backlinks to make your life easier.

If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and content writing as a whole, you should read all the other excellent Affiliate Marketing content on this very website.

The post 5 Best Niche For Amazon Affiliate Marketing was originally published to affiliatingfromhome

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