Affiliate Marketing - What Is Noindex? And How Do You Use It?

What is noindex? A noindex tag indicates that search engines can’t index a page or a site, thereby blocking it from being found in search.

Noindex is a valuable tool for keeping pages from being indexed that you don’t want to show up in search results, like private pages or pages with no SEO value.

To add a noindex tag to your page, use the meta tag:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

There are a few reasons you might want to use noindex:

  • To keep private pages from being indexed
  • To prevent other pages with no SEO value from being indexed
  • To block pages from being indexed that you don’t want to show up in search results

Noindex is a valuable tool for optimizing your site for search as you directly tells search engines what you want to appear on the search engine results pages. Doing this essentially means you're telling other search engines what you are and what you are not.

Using no index can help you improve your search engine ranking and avoid any penalties from Google. When used correctly, noindex can be an effective way to improve your site’s search engine optimization.

So, now you know what no index is and how to use it, let's discuss how to start indexing.

When should you Noindex a page?

what is noindex

You want to use noindex when you want to stop indexing material (usually low-quality material) on your website so that searchers cannot find it. No Index is an online tool that can be used by any webmaster.

Some common reasons to noindex a page are as follows:

  1. To prevent public pages from being discovered such as lead capture forms and unusued landing page.
  2. To prevent irrelevant linked pages from being indexed (such as login pages, source code and thank you pages.
  3. Prevent the indexing of certain pages that you don't want to appear in search results (such as blog comments, duplicate content, and source code).

How to implement noindex?

A simple way to exclude a site from being indexed is to insert no index into the robots meta tag within their Metadata.

Meta tags are a useful tool in search engines, and go beyond simple noindex tags, but that's a topic for another time.

To exclude a page from the search engines list, you have to integrate an HTML code header tag. In this example, I'll stop Googlebot's search engine spidering.

Here is no index example code you can use:


SEO tactic do not require excluding individual bots (so theres no reason to add tags for Google recrawl bots, Bing bots or Yahoo bots as they will all be blocked by the same noindex and nofollow tags). This makes noindexing a website much easier.

What is a nofollow? And how does it compare to a no index?

A nofollow meta tag is a tag that tells search engines not to follow the links on a page. The nofollow tag was created as a way to stop search engine spamming. When a nofollow meta tag is used on a page, it stops search engines from following all the links on that page.

The nofollow tag is used in two situations:

  • When you want to stop search engines from following external links (like when linking to guest posts or paid links)
  • When you want to tell search engines that the links on a page are not trustworthy

A nofollow tag does not block a page from being indexed.

A nofollow tag is used to tell search engines not to follow the links on a page, as appose to a 'do follow' tag which encourages search engines to follow the hyperlinked url. A no index tag is used to block a page from being indexed.

A noindex tag will block a page from being indexed. This means that the page will not show up in search results.

If you want to stop search engines from following the links on a page, you should use a nofollow tag. If you want to stop search engines from indexing a page, you should use a noindex tag.

Both nofollow and noindex tags are useful for SEO. Nofollow tags can help reduce spam and noindex tags can help improve your site’s search engine ranking.

Combining noindex with follow or nofollow

Optionally you can combine the Noindex directive with values like “follow” or “nofollow”.

This tells the bot what to do with an unreliable link.

Search bots use links on their respective pages. It can also be used in HTML site map. Indexing a web sitemap in HTML is usually difficult, but worth it SEO-wise if you consider the websitemap valuable (which it absolutely is).

Spotting noindex error

No indexer errors occur from misuse, accidental no-indexer errors or the deletion of the pages from indexed websites can vary.

The removal of organic traffic from indexed sites may cause immediate and drastic effects, and these sorts of cases are common across all websites.

The importance of evaluating changes in organic traffic should be high. The audit can take the form of Google Analytics.

What is a disallow Directive?

A disallow directive is a code that tells a search engine not to crawl a particular page or website. The code for disallowing pages is inserted in the robots.txt file.

The disallow directive is the most common way to noindex a website.

When should you use a disallow Directive?

You should use a disallow directive when you want to prevent a search engine from crawling a particular page or website.

For example, if you have a page that contains sensitive information that you do not want to be indexed, you can use a disallow directive to prevent it from being crawled.

How to implement a disallow Directive?

To implement a disallow directive, you will need to add the following code to your robots.txt file:

Disallow: /sensitive-information.html

This will tell all search engines not to crawl the sensitive-information.html page.

You can also use wildcards to disallow all pages on a website:

Disallow: /

This will tell all search engines not to crawl any pages on your website.

However, it is important to note that this will also prevent your website from being indexed, so it should only be used as a last resort.

How Can I Combine Noindex and Disallow?

When you want to exclude a page from being indexed as well as stop the search engine spidering the page, you can use the disallow and noindex directive together. This will tell the search engine not to index the page and not to crawl it.

You can combine noindex and disallow in either the robots meta tag or in the robots.txt file.

Here is an example noindex and disallow code you can use:

In this example, the noindex directive will stop the individual pages from being indexed, and the disallow directive will stop the search engine spidering the page.

You can also use the nofollow directive with the noindex and disallow directives.

This will tell the search engine not to crawl the whole page, but to still index it.

Here is an example noindex, disallow, nofollow code you can use:

In this example, the noindex and disallow directives will stop the page from being indexed and the search engine spidering the page, and the nofollow directive will tell the search engine not to crawl the page.

You can also use the noindex, disallow, and nofollow directives together.

Here is an example noindex, disallow, nofollow code you can use:

In this example, the noindex and disallow directives will stop the page from being indexed and the search engine spidering the page, and the nofollow directive will tell the search engine not to crawl the page.

The noindex and disallow directives are a powerful way to stop pages from being indexed and spidered by the search engines.

When used together, they will make sure that your pages are not indexed or spidered by the search engines.

If you are having problems with pages being indexed and spidered, then using the noindex and disallow directives together is the best way to fix the problem.


Noindexes are a great way to tell Google not to index certain web pages on your website.

This is important because you may have pages on your website that you don’t want indexed for one reason or another:

  • Maybe they contain sensitive information,
  • or perhaps you just don’t think they add any value for users.

Noindexing these pages will help keep them out of the search engine results page (SERPs), and can improve your SEO in the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Noindex Meta Tag?

An ‘noindex’ tag tells search engines to avoid using your web page. A common method for not indexing pages is adding tags to the header or response header. For the purposes of Google's algorithms, the website should not be automatically removed or blocked. Unless you block this web page in robot file Google cannot see this keyword and the web page can still show up.

What does a noindex do?

NoIndex signifies a site is not considered indexed or not shown as a result of a search engine. The nofollow feature is not recommended by Google spiders.

How do I use noindex pages?

Use the "noindex/nofollow" tag when the site is not indexing or the page is not following any of those links.

There are a few ways you can use noindex to control how similar pages are indexed on your site. You can use the noindex meta tag, the robots.txt file, or the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header.

How do I noindex a page in WordPress?

To noindex a page in WordPress, you need to add a noindex tag to the header of the page. You can do this by adding the following code to the header.php file:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

You can also add noindex to specific pages by using the robots.txt file.

What is noindex tag test?

Noindex tags are used to warn Google not to rank pages and may erode ranking capability on Google Search Results. This code should therefore remain in use as a major threat.

The noindex tag test is a Google tool (found in the search console) that allows you to see if a page is being indexed by the Google search engine. The noindex tag test will also tell you if the page is being blocked by the robots.txt file or if there are any other problems that are preventing the page from being indexed.

How do I noindex a page in HTML?

To noindex a page in HTML, you need to add a noindex meta tag to the header of the page. You can do this by adding the following code to the head section of the page:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

You can also add noindex to specific pages by using the robots.txt file.

Is it bad to noindex a page?

No, noindex is not bad for SEO. In fact, noindex can be a valuable tool for optimizing your site for search. However, you should only use noindex on pages that you do not want to be indexed by search engines. If you noindex a page that you do want to be indexed, it can hurt your site's SEO.

What Is Noindex? And How Do You Use It? was first seen on Affiliating From Home Blog

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